
新作!ダンス惑星!@Show & Lounge Cossette'

なんと明日Show & Lounge cossette' さんにゲストパフォーマーとしてお邪魔させていただくのです!今回こそは練習に練習を重ね、ミスのないように頑張ります!

Hello everyone! Finally, I am updating my blog !
I just put my latest act "DANCE PLANET"at IMAGE last Sunday!
its an act that 3 dancers practicing ballet in some planet out there in the space called Dance planet!
It just like IMAGE dancers practicing our dance routine everyday! lol
I made some mistakes while acting this at IMAGE last Sunday,
 So obviously we didn't do enough practice !!
Luckily, I will be able to to perform at Show & Lounge Cossette' this Saturday!
with Yougao and Coyume they are also dancers from IMAGE.
This time I will make sure we practice more to make it perfect !
Practice makes perfect !
Hope you'll come to see the show !

Show time **** Feb/25th Saturday! @6am slt
2月25日土曜日 23時開演
★cossette' Laem Singh Hall